Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Chest Infections More Condition_symptoms Are Asthmatics More Prone To Chest Infections In The Winter Time Or Can Anyone Get Them?

Are asthmatics more prone to chest infections in the winter time or can anyone get them? - chest infections more condition_symptoms

I am asthmatic and can not suffer a chest infection during the year. Anyone can, but choose from asthma more frequently.


jacalynf... said...

Asthmatics are more susceptible to an infection of the lung period. Things is the most common time for students by the intense cold wave that spread the disease. It also depends on what triggers asthma. If the cold interferes with asthma then it would be reasonable to get infections in the winter.

Purple triangle said...

Many of my friends have had respiratory infections this winter than usual, but I am sure that you have asthma, like me anyway.

Yoga Wifey said...

I personally believe that asthma leads to weakness in the chest area, which in turn reduce the immune system and leaves the door open to pneumonia.

I guess you know what asthma, just to let you know, the breathing exercises in yoga are for strengthening the lungs and improve long-term asthma wonderful. Not sure if this is not interesting for you, but I have very good results with teaching asthmatic children, which I too.

Sorry for you if you lung infections, which have all the time. Try to stay away from dairy products and wheat by-day as the formation of mucus that things will get worse.

Good luck


Dr. C said...

Contrary to popular belief, each with an increased risk of developing a respiratory infection during the winter, not only for asthmatics. There are several reasons. Recent studies have shown that the optimum temperature for some respiratory viruses is approx. 40 F. Since survive longer in the cold, they are more likely to infect others. In addition, during the winter, people tend to stay home. Finally, low temperatures have also been shown to temporarily suppress the immune system. All these factors contribute to increased respiratory illness during the winter.

Asthma experience difficulty breathing because their airways are hyperactive and tend to decrease. This is what happens during an asthma attack. Unfortunately, in May narrowly avoided respiratory secretions to be removed correctly (eg) by coughing. The combination of stress and respiratory secretions or can not pay for a number of conditions that favor infection, where a cold "breast".

Paradoxically, AST in patients with moderate or severeHMA frequent treatment with inhaled steroids. A side effect of steroids is immunosuppression. There is little evidence that their use increases the risk of pneumonia. Given the risks of asthma usually higher than the theoretical risk of pneumonia, it is recommended to continue the inhaled steroids if they can help control asthma symptoms. But it never hurts to gently * * Remind your doctor to reduce the dose, if possible.

Kiss My Grits said...

My brother had asthma and I know that I would have always been susceptible to respiratory infections during the winter compared to the rest of us, we say that it can be.

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